5 Reasons Why You Should Share Your Journey

Diksha Bathula
The Med  Writer
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2023


As I’m diving deeper into the way I’m building my startup, Raves, I’m realising that every step of my startup journey holds invaluable lessons and insights and I believe in the transformative power of sharing them.

In this post, I dive into the profound impact of documenting your passion and the remarkable outcomes it can lead to. For me, it has already started to shape the narrative of Raves and my personal and professional growth. I hope it helps you do that too and at the very least, gives you the confidence to start putting your beautiful journey, no matter what it is, out there for others to learn from.

Sharing your journey, no matter what you are doing in life, is a great indicator of your expertise and potential. The opportunity to document your passion can lead to several positive outcomes but these 5 stand out the most in a professional setup.

Knowledge Dissemination

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash

Sharing your insights and expertise with a wider audience can prompt intriguing discussions and give you a platform to contribute to the solutions in your niche. Not only does this benefit your personal brand and professional growth, but it also helps to advance your industry as a whole.

By sharing your knowledge through various channels such as social media, blogging, and public speaking, you can build a reputation as a thought leader and gain the respect and recognition of your peers. Additionally, your contributions can inspire others to share their own ideas and perspectives, leading to a more diverse and collaborative community.

So don’t hesitate to share your unique insights and experiences with the world — you never know who you might inspire or what positive impact you may have.


Collaborating with like-minded professionals and contributing to the market space can lead to valuable connections and opportunities for future collaborations. By establishing yourself as a reliable and knowledgeable professional in your field, other professionals may seek you out for future projects and partnerships.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Overall, the benefits of collaborating and contributing to the market space are numerous and can lead to both personal and professional growth. So don’t be afraid to reach out to others and start working together towards a common goal.

Career Advancement

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The accomplishments in your journey can boost your career and possibly open doors to challenging roles, impactful positions and future collaboration.

When you share your accomplishments and the challenges you faced along the way, you not only inspire others but also show your strengths and capabilities. It can also open up opportunities for collaboration and networking with others who are impressed by your journey.

Don’t be afraid to share your story and let others know what you are capable of achieving. With hard work, determination and a willingness to share your experiences, you can achieve great things in your career and beyond.

Personal Growth

The process of documenting your journey can be personally enriching and intellectually stimulating and further help you hone your skills and knowledge. Recording your journey allows you to reflect on your experiences and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash

By documenting your journey, you can track your progress, celebrate your accomplishments, and learn from your mistakes. So whether you’re travelling to a foreign country, embarking on a new project or simply exploring your hometown, consider taking the time to document your journey.

You never know what insights and discoveries you may uncover along the way.


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Your journey can influence fellow professionals and people with similar interests and help you contribute to positive changes in various approaches adopted to improve your niche. Sharing your experiences can help to break down barriers and promote diversity and inclusion in your industry.

Your unique perspective and voice can contribute to a more well-rounded and innovative community of professionals. Remember, your journey is valuable and can make a difference — so don’t be afraid to share it.

Your journey, no matter where it takes you, is a treasure trove of experiences and insights waiting to be shared. Each step holds the potential to inspire, connect, and drive positive change in your niche. There is great potential for significant positive outcomes to emerge from sharing your passion with the world

Don’t hold back, your story holds the power to shape the world!



Diksha Bathula
The Med  Writer

My ultimate goal for this life is to see an empty horizon and not worry about chasing it 🌅