Make The Odds Forever In Your Favour

A great first hack to conquer habits.

Diksha Bathula
1 min readApr 29, 2023

The UK’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) conducted a study in a hospital where they removed sugary drinks from a prominent position and replaced them with healthier options.

Result: Healthy beverage sales went up by 12% while sugary beverages declined by the same amount.

Insight: A great first hack to conquer habits.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Remember the age-old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind”? In this case, the opposite worked too. By placing healthy options and even water readily available and easily visible all the time, the participants in the study were more likely to drink these.

Now apply this to any habit you want to conquer.

Want to write more? Keep a notepad with you.

Want to quit smoking? Hide your cigarettes.

Want to go to the gym? Look at your gym clothes first thing in the morning; or even better, sleep in them.

I know. I know; easier said than done but, isn’t it a potential starting point for you to take that first step?

Let’s make the odds more in our favour!



Diksha Bathula

My ultimate goal for this life is to see an empty horizon and not worry about chasing it 🌅